
Ogawa Forest Reserve


Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute

Research Theme

  • To characterize the life histories of each tree species
  • The population dynamics
  • The mechanism(s) for the coexistence of tree species
  • Interaction between the animals and the plants
  • The gene flow of trees with DNA markers

Site Outline

Forest conditions: Cool temperate deciduous broad-leaf forests dominated by Fagus crenata, Fagus japonica, Quercus serrata, etc. Because there is little snowfall accumulation, these are part of the Pacific-type Fagus forests. Located on the gentle slopes of the southern Abukuma Mountains, they are surrounded by secondary deciduous broad-leaf forests, Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) plantations, and grasslands. Although there is no record of cutting since the Meiji era, the old secondary forest has developed as a result of fires and human-induced disturbances such as grazing.


  • Address : Community Dynamics Laboratory, Department of Forest Vegetation, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, 1 Matsunosato, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305-8687, Japan
  • Name : Hiroko Kurokawa
  • Phone : 029-829-8223
  • Fax : 029-874-3720
  • E-mail : hirokokurokawa@ffpri.affrc.go.jp

Publication list

Please visit the website of Ogawa Forest Reserve at the link below.

WWW site URL

Japanese : https://ogawaforestreserve.jimdofree.com/

English :https://ogawaforestreserve.jimdofree.com/english-home/

